Does my business need a rebrand?

In this new normal, it’s likely that your business has had to adapt or evolve. Given your business has changed, this might be a great time to rebrand your business.

Why rebrand your business?

Business rebrands are very common and there are a few reasons why you might consider giving your branding a freshen-up or a completely new look.

A business rebrand is usually due to something changing; you’ve niched down, launched a new service, changed strategy, decided focus on a specific target market, changed business name, merged with another company or the market has changed. 

We have all been through a pretty major social change recently and as a result, lots of businesses have had to diversify or even move in a new direction in order to keep running. 

With changes like this, your current branding may not reflect how your business has evolved. Or maybe your business has had the same logo from the start and now its time for a refresh and a brand identity system.

To refresh or start from fresh?

Just like branding for a new business, the way you approach a rebrand all comes down to what your goals are. You may want to build upon your existing visual identity and give your logo a refresh or it might be time for a fresh.

Be prepared

Going through the rebranding process is not to be taken lightly.  It’s a good idea to make a list of your assets which feature in your current branding stationery; signage, van livery, website, etc. Remember, these will need to be replaced when your new brand launches.

Choosing the right designer for the job

In house designer?
Will they be fresh and innovative enough, they might be too close to the company to see the branding from the perspective of the client. Is brand design in their skillset? 

External designer or agency?
They have the advantage of being outside of your organisation and should have more of an impartial view of your brand. 

Check out their portfolio, if it shows brand design work that you think would suit your business, that’s a great sign. Then you need to talk to them and find out – do they understand your brand? A brand designer should be interested in your business, your ideal clients and your aspirations, they should be able to distil this into a fantastic logo and visual identity fitting for your business.

Plan your strategy

Planning a launch for your rebrand is crucial. Your aim is to hit your target market and show them how brilliant the business has just become. Choose a date when your change will happen, give yourselves enough time to get well prepared. Remember to take advantage of; social media, press, video and youtube. Depending on your reasons for rebranding, you might want to host an event to showcase the businesses new-look and have the opportunity to tell your audience the reasons for the new brand and your plans for the future.

Does your business need a rebrand?

If your current branding no longer represents your business, your products/services or your ideal clients then it might be time to think about a rebrand.

The secret to a great rebrand is all in the planning and having the right people on the project.

If you are thinking about rebranding, i would love to hear from you and help you to create a strong brand.


Don’t forget, branding is not just a logo. Check out Logo Vs Brand to see how they are different.

Does my business need a rebrand?

Let’s make this happen

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